Monday, March 20, 2006

White Rim on Saturday

On Saturday, we attempted White Rim. I say attempted for a couple of reasons. 1) When we started Shaffer Hill was closed. We tried to ascertain whether or not it would open so we could do the whole thing, but Island in the Sky was not sure. We decided to play it safe and enter and exit from Potash road and do and an out and back. 2) We may have done too much the day before. Keith started having some issues. He and Carson decided to turn around at mile 30 or so. 3) There was a head wind heading out and it made it really difficult. Adam, Chris, and I made it to mile 40 or so and then turned back. The wind turned from nemisis on the way out to friend on the way back.
I had some issues on this ride that I was not accustom to. I usually have decent endurance, but lately I just haven't been able to maintain like I have in the past. Eating gives me heartburn, so does drinking when I am on the bike at least my mountain bike. So I really wasn't consuming much. Chris made me chug Mountain Dew which worked surprisingly well. It caused discomfort, but I could ride again.

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