Saturday, March 13, 2010

Moab 2010 Take 1

We finally went to Moab. We have been watching their weather all winter long. While I have it on good authority that it NEVER snows in Moab, the white stuff that had been on the ground there finally vanished as if it melted. With the rise in temperature, we decided to make our way down. We got there around 9:30 this morning.
Chris telling Tex he has to stay

We started riding towards Sovereign. We took the old highway up to the Brand Trails. We rode Bar M out to Bar B, then caught Rockin' A and Circle O. We jumped back on Bar M to Nine Mile Canyon and then to Sovereign. While neither one of us felt great, we could not help but sport the "sovereign grin". It just felt good to be in Moab and have the sun peak out.
It was apparent that Sovereign got used a lot during the winter. While none of it was really bad, there was remnants of frequent motorcycle use. Ironically though we did not see many users out today. Maybe a handful of mountain bikers and a little less motorcycles.

Chris refueling while Tex watches

We refueled at the car and filled our water bottles as we headed through town to Amasa Back. As we pulled into the parking lot, we noticed the clouds had rolled in. We hoped to sneak in some more riding before the rain. We got close to the top when we hit some moisture. We turned around and it was dry the rest of the time. In retrospect maybe we should have continued? We did return to the car just in time to see some BASE jumpers though. We love to watch them jump--and hear there chutes open in the canyon. It sounds so cool.

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