Sunday, April 24, 2011


I work for the company that is (was now) the title sponsor of the Women's Expo this weekend. They have been sponsoring this event for the last couple of years and so they offer free tickets. At first I was like "eh" about it. But this year, I thought maybe I would try to go. Then I started thinking of who I might have accompany me as I am pretty sure you don't go to one of these events by yourself. I started thinking of my friends and realized that maybe I don't have so many. Well, at least not of the female persuasion who live in the area, would be in the area (and not riding bikes), etc. I did come up with a couple of names of some neighbors (i.e. ward members) but it would not be convenient for them to work around my riding schedule.So alas, I had a more typical "women's expo" for me this weekend--MTB riding.
I had the great pleasure in attending the first race of the Utah State Championship Series. It was held at Lambert Park on a short, but incredibly fun course. Dangerously fun really. Being as fast and flowy as it was, there is some danger around lap 3 and 4 when fatigue starts to set in. I was safe, but I did see a spectacular crash from a gentlemen on a high end Trek FS. He bounced up though and was okay (or the adrenaline did not let him know otherwise).

After awards where Sarah got a check that was almost as big as she is, she, Kelsy, and Nick joined Chris and myself for some more UT county riding. We hosted them on the Dry Loop which was anything but dry. After picking up some food and eating it on the way, we hit rain in Orem. Son of a... But they had driven down and were troopers.
Nick, Chris, Kels, and Sarah at the iconic altar

Chris, Nick, Kels getting ready to descend
Sarah getting to the top

See I have friends they just happen to live in Ogden... or Vegas... or be in Moab riding bikes.


Erica said...

I'll be there soon, then we can attend all kinds of events! Nice work at the race! It looks like I missed a really fun event.

Dan said...

Do I even have to tell you how disappointed I am that you didn't invite me to the expo?? That right there is the primo spot to meet cicks. Right up there with the bridal fair/expo