Wednesday, December 13, 2006

so i am cranky and here is why:
1. i have not ridden outside since saturday (which was a really good time--a muddy single speed ride). i keep thinking i should have ridden, but didn't. for example, monday was warm, but it was wet. at the time i did not think it was warm enough to make up for the wet though. yesterday reports of pending bad weather kept me off the bike. the bad weather really did not happen.
2. the alternative to riding to going for a jog. i have to do something during the day to protect my co-workers. i have opted to jog because it is the off season and cross training is allowed, right? my knees are not so fond of jogging. i have been good for 30 minutes at an easy pace, but i bounced it up to 45 minutes and now there is pain.
3. my eating sucks. riding and eating is a crazy paradox. i think i tend to eat more when i don't ride. well, i eat more empty-calorie, worthless food when i don't ride. i think it is out of boredom. when i don't ride i tend to have more time on my hands.
4. i miss the sun. it has been overcast for days. i love the sun...even if i am inside.
i hope to break the blues soon. i brought my bike to work and hopefully i will be able to ride. i will keep my eye on the sky and as long as it is not wet, i should be golden.

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