i was able to get out on my poprad and it was good. then i continued to not feel well. i took friday off of work to see if some desert riding in st. george would make me feel better. it did a bit. we ran into lynda wallenfels again. we rode with her for a while. she was killing me. i always thought she was fast, but now i have absolutely no doubt. while there we rode the race course, bear claw poppy seed, and paradise rim. Tim, Brad, Adam, Carson, Scott and Keith joined us on Saturday and we rode Hurricane Rim -Jem and then Gooseberry Mesa. I came home on Saturday and rested all day on Sunday. i was dead between riding and just not feeling well.
i am feeling better now, but still have pain in my teeth when i bounce around and head aches. i am attributing this to a sinus infection. i have played with idea of going to the doctor, but it is hard to justify when i am actually feeling better.
the frozen hog is this weekend and i may race that. a high intensity workout like this may be beneficial before old pueblo.
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