my poprad came in! it came in last week but i was unable to pick it up until today. when my car did not start this morning--it is not a big fan of single digit temperatures--chris took me to work. the plan at the last minute was to pick up my new bike and ride it home, inspite of the mid 20 degree temps. i was going to do it, but in my hurry to switch gears and get ready in time i failed to pack shorts. i don't know how a person forgets that when she plans on riding. i thought i may spin on the trainer tonight, but i forgot my pedals at work. yes, i could remember to bring the pedals from off my road bike to ride home, but not shorts. please keep in mind that i have not been feeling well and will use this as an excuse as to my mindlessness. tomorrow should be a bit warmer (still below freezing mind you) and i will bring everything i need for my maiden ride on my pretty new poprad.

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