Sunday, May 04, 2014

We Win

Chris and I took a quick day trip to Moab this week. We hit up the Amasa Back and Moab Brand areas. There is apparently more new stuff out by Sovereign called "Klonzo". We did not have time to do it, but Chris had heard of it previously. I was a bit surprised and delighted that there is more to explore. It dawned on me, Moab and St. George seem to be in a race or competition to have the best mountain biking. I am not sure who is winning besides us as mountain bikers.
The weekly mountain bike races started this week and I am way stoked to be able to do these this year. The first one was on some new trails cut at Euclid with lots of switch backs up and down. It was a bit loose, typical of new trails, but lots of fun. The lap was short so I had to count to five which was hard when self starving for oxygen. They shook up the categories so I was pretty far out of the points. I am hoping to get faster and start accumulating points more quickly.
The trails were super tacky early this week too. It was so, so nice. I am always surprised how quickly they dry out. They were pretty loose again this weekend. But I am riding my bike so I can't complain too much.

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